Sarah Jaffe’s recommendation: “For the past year I’ve been listening to more current music than anything. I think overall I’ve listened to Robyn more than anyone else. For the past couple years the records she has put out never tire with me. I remember hearing Bum like You for the first time and I had it on repeat for about a month. She had also collaborated with Royksopp on a few tracks that I flipped out over. I think mainly, she’s just a bad ass. There is so much energy in her melodies. I’ve yet to see her live, but I YouTube the hell out of her.”
New to The Robyn? Sarah recommends you start here: “I know Body Talk Pt 1 and Body Talk Pt 2
were released separately, but I think they both have some killer tracks that are worth being on repeat. Choosing between the two of them, I’d have to say Body Talk Pt 2
. It didn’t get the best reviews, which is dumb. It’s a great record.”
Related: Eric Zeiler of Xylos and Ryan McPhun of Ruby Suns also carry a torch for Robyn.
About our guest author, Sarah Jaffe: Hailing from Denton, Texas, Sarah Jaffe first got the attention of the music world when she self-released an EP and cleaned house at the Dallas Observer Music Awards in 2008. Since then, she’s completed her full length album, Suburban Nature
and has been collecting praise from the best and brightest in the biz, from USA Today (“…best thing I heard…”) to NPR (“…Jaffe’s immensely promising career is just getting started…”). Stylistically she has a mellow sound and her lyrics are downright revealing and heartbreaking. She’s toured with Norah Jones and Lou Barlow and her road show continues to roll through December.